Hello and welcome to the Bot of John!
I go by Dragonn online, and I'm kind of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to computers. Not necessarily good at everything, but I definitely know enough to get myself into trouble. I like to dabble in programming, web development, networking, microelectronics, console modding, and retro game collecting. I'm also surprisingly good at rigging up "temporary" solutions to fix broken things, though it tends to involve a lot of soldering USB cables to things and sticking things together with hair ties.
I'm also kinda obsessed with transparent plastic? IDK man my atomic purple controller and acrylic computer case changed my brain chemistry. Hell, the website you're looking at is being served from that computer case! It lives next to my desk within kicking distance, because while I love computer I also have two decades of beef with the silicon fuckers.
I share this website with a few other people for more practical purposes, including my friends for tabletop nights and my wife for her tarot deck collection, but it mostly exists because I think it's fun :D
As a result, don't expect anything to stay in one place for too long, though I try and keep the directory structure consistent so bookmarks and such sould work fine. It also uses a little bit of Javascript (not for anything too important) and maybe a couple of cookies for storing preferences and such. I also log requests sent to the site for debugging purposes (and checking to see what AI scrapers are getting into, the filthy fucks). I'm not selling access to any of this, this website actively loses money constantly, and in my opinion that's what the Internet is for.
If you wanna explore some of the bullshit I keep here, check out the links below. If you wanna discover the rest of the Indie Web, there's webrings and badges in the footer.